The Hiram Cultural Center (HCC) is a merger of Soldiers Memorial Library and the Arts Center at 8 Hancock. For more information about the HCC and upcoming events, visit our website at https://thehiramculturalcenter.squarespace.com/soldiers-memorial-library.
Library Services

Soldiers Memorial Library's collection includes:
-Fiction, non-fiction & reference books for children, young adults, & adults
-Audio & video materials
-Special Maine collection & local genealogical materials
-Electronic search of the collection
Access Our Online Card Catalog:
Thousands of magazines, newspapers, and reference books are available through the digitalmainelibrary
Access Ancestry Library Edition ancestrylibrary.com
Interlibrary Loan is available through the Portland Public Library
Computer stations and 24-hr Wi-Fi access
Soldiers Memorial Library and the Art Center at 8 Hancock are satellite sites for courses with SAD #55 Adult and Community Education. Course brochures are available at the Library and online at https://sacopee.maineadulted.org.